ultimate riku | Leader de la Via Omega | Dual keeper | | 2718 messages postés |
| Posté le 20-05-2004 à 03:12:36
| (pour le moment j'espere pas pr tjs)
-------------------- Perso RPG===>Leluna possèdant Spirit Axe Revolution (élément Glace) et Croix du Chaos |
Tamiat | Yohoho | Cardinal Des Eléments | | 5581 messages postés |
| Posté le 23-06-2004 à 14:43:20
| (je ne pourrais poster que sur l'île du destin ralala)
-------------------- Let's Rock! |
Sora | Juge de la Lumière | Cardinal du Sacre | | 1408 messages postés |
| Posté le 28-06-2004 à 02:13:15
| vous pouvez faire aussi, rencontrer lhistoire qui arrive meme si vouz netes pas le perso.il sufit de le dire.
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Tamiat | Yohoho | Cardinal Des Eléments | | 5581 messages postés |
| Posté le 28-06-2004 à 09:25:53
| Je raconte une histoire même si je ne suis pas le perso ^^ : (Tidus arriva dans la salle du trône et vit à travers une fenêtre, Donald, Daisy, Dingo et Minnie ^^parlant de la disparition du roi....) A vous de continuez ^^
-------------------- Let's Rock! |
sora 57 | Apprenti/e | | 631 messages postés |
| Posté le 23-08-2004 à 11:34:09
| et sora lui bota les fesses
-------------------- You are wrong,fucked,and overrated I think I'm gonna be sick and it's your fault This is the end of EVERYTHING You are the end of EVERYTHING I haven't slept since I woke up And found my whole life was a lie,motherfucker This is the end of EVERYTHING |
Tamiat | Yohoho | Cardinal Des Eléments | | 5581 messages postés |
| Posté le 23-08-2004 à 16:24:44
| tidus esquiva et fis une technique ninja : la fleur de lotus verso !
-------------------- Let's Rock! |
sora 57 | Apprenti/e | | 631 messages postés |
| Posté le 23-08-2004 à 16:47:03
| il a trop regardé naruto
-------------------- You are wrong,fucked,and overrated I think I'm gonna be sick and it's your fault This is the end of EVERYTHING You are the end of EVERYTHING I haven't slept since I woke up And found my whole life was a lie,motherfucker This is the end of EVERYTHING |
Tamiat | Yohoho | Cardinal Des Eléments | | 5581 messages postés |
| Posté le 23-08-2004 à 16:48:33
| oué lol assez plaisenter : Raido, technique hockage : La vague de tonnere !
-------------------- Let's Rock! |
Sora | Juge de la Lumière | Cardinal du Sacre | | 1408 messages postés |
| Posté le 23-08-2004 à 23:22:09
| Kaméhaméha!!!!!
-------------------- |
Tamiat | Yohoho | Cardinal Des Eléments | | 5581 messages postés |
| Posté le 24-08-2004 à 00:28:04
| puissance maxi yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... la vache sa epuise...
-------------------- Let's Rock! |
Sora | Juge de la Lumière | Cardinal du Sacre | | 1408 messages postés |
| Posté le 24-08-2004 à 00:42:13
| pouvoir Ilimité!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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sora 57 | Apprenti/e | | 631 messages postés |
| Posté le 24-08-2004 à 13:48:54
| canon garric canon buster kienzan!!!
-------------------- You are wrong,fucked,and overrated I think I'm gonna be sick and it's your fault This is the end of EVERYTHING You are the end of EVERYTHING I haven't slept since I woke up And found my whole life was a lie,motherfucker This is the end of EVERYTHING |
Sora | Juge de la Lumière | Cardinal du Sacre | | 1408 messages postés |
| Posté le 24-08-2004 à 16:43:12
| Spirit Bomb!!!!!!!!!
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Tamiat | Yohoho | Cardinal Des Eléments | | 5581 messages postés |
| Posté le 24-08-2004 à 22:51:53
| mmmmmm...... ouverture de la porte de la vie : le 3eme verrou pshichique ouverture de la porte de la blessure : le 4eme verrou pshichique ouverture de la porte de la retention : le 5eme verrou pshichique LA FLEUR DE LOTUS VERSO yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
-------------------- Let's Rock! |
sora 57 | Apprenti/e | | 631 messages postés |
| Posté le 28-08-2004 à 16:26:48
| genkidama
-------------------- You are wrong,fucked,and overrated I think I'm gonna be sick and it's your fault This is the end of EVERYTHING You are the end of EVERYTHING I haven't slept since I woke up And found my whole life was a lie,motherfucker This is the end of EVERYTHING |
Tamiat | Yohoho | Cardinal Des Eléments | | 5581 messages postés |
| Posté le 29-08-2004 à 10:40:20
| esquive ! multi clonage ! L'eclair pourfendeur !
-------------------- Let's Rock! |
sora 57 | Apprenti/e | | 631 messages postés |
| Posté le 30-08-2004 à 12:04:39
| la attaque big bang tt mort
-------------------- You are wrong,fucked,and overrated I think I'm gonna be sick and it's your fault This is the end of EVERYTHING You are the end of EVERYTHING I haven't slept since I woke up And found my whole life was a lie,motherfucker This is the end of EVERYTHING |
Tamiat | Yohoho | Cardinal Des Eléments | | 5581 messages postés |
| Posté le 26-09-2004 à 20:19:52
| esquive je lance .......... coupd de pied in de couilles !
-------------------- Let's Rock! |
sora 57 | Apprenti/e | | 631 messages postés |
| Posté le 05-10-2004 à 16:39:51
| c ça toi t pikachu un pokémon mon pokémon
-------------------- You are wrong,fucked,and overrated I think I'm gonna be sick and it's your fault This is the end of EVERYTHING You are the end of EVERYTHING I haven't slept since I woke up And found my whole life was a lie,motherfucker This is the end of EVERYTHING |
| Posté le 08-10-2004 à 23:08:45
| bonjour |
sora 57 | Apprenti/e | | 631 messages postés |
| Posté le 09-10-2004 à 19:21:30
| élo herc ( si j'me permai
-------------------- You are wrong,fucked,and overrated I think I'm gonna be sick and it's your fault This is the end of EVERYTHING You are the end of EVERYTHING I haven't slept since I woke up And found my whole life was a lie,motherfucker This is the end of EVERYTHING |
Tamiat | Yohoho | Cardinal Des Eléments | | 5581 messages postés |
| Posté le 15-11-2004 à 16:30:06
| bienvenue sur kingdom hearts wordl (forum qui devient mort)
-------------------- Let's Rock! |
sora 57 | Apprenti/e | | 631 messages postés |
| Posté le 18-11-2004 à 17:10:55
| wé lol
-------------------- You are wrong,fucked,and overrated I think I'm gonna be sick and it's your fault This is the end of EVERYTHING You are the end of EVERYTHING I haven't slept since I woke up And found my whole life was a lie,motherfucker This is the end of EVERYTHING |
ultimate riku | Leader de la Via Omega | Dual keeper | | 2718 messages postés |
| Posté le 01-12-2004 à 09:27:59
-------------------- Perso RPG===>Leluna possèdant Spirit Axe Revolution (élément Glace) et Croix du Chaos |
sora 57 | Apprenti/e | | 631 messages postés |
| Posté le 07-12-2004 à 17:06:28
| ultimate tu la trouver ou ton avatar ???
-------------------- You are wrong,fucked,and overrated I think I'm gonna be sick and it's your fault This is the end of EVERYTHING You are the end of EVERYTHING I haven't slept since I woke up And found my whole life was a lie,motherfucker This is the end of EVERYTHING |